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Media and Culture Track

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Date 2022-10-25
Research-Oriented Media Lab

Research-Oriented Media Lab

The Communication Branch Library

The Communication Branch Library

Discussion as practice.

Discussion as practice.

Research-Oriented Media Lab
The Communication Branch Library
Discussion as practice.

Objective of the Course Track
To engage with communication phenomena; to train students to apply communication theories and analytical skills to practical use; to cultivate future research and development (R&D) talent in the communication industry.
Course Structure



1. Imaging Communication Theory 2. Communication Method and Practice
    Phenomenological courses

  1. Seminar in Mass Culture
  2. Seminar in Science, Risk and
  3. Seminar in Communication and 
  4. Seminar in Media and Ecology
  5. Seminar in International
      Theoretical courses

  1. Communication Sociology
  2. Political Economy of
  3. Communication Psychology
  4. Communication History
  5. Audience Research


1. Communication Strategy and Design
2. Independent Study
3. Social and Mobile Media

Student taking this Track shall obtain at least 24 credits, including two subjects (totaled 6 credits), plus another 18 credits from the Track. A maximum of three subjects (totaled 9 credits) may be taken from the Journalism and Information Track
Course List

Year Course Title Credit Required/Elective
3A Imaging Communication Theory 3 R
3B Communication Method and Practice 3 R
3, 4 Political Economy of Communication 3 E
3, 4 Seminar in Mass Culture: Television Culture 3 E
3, 4 Seminar in Mass Culture: Diaspora, Media and Foreign Spouses 3 E
3, 4 Seminar in International Communication 3 E
3, 4 Seminar in International Communication: Regional Communication 3 E
3, 4 Advanced News Reporting and Writing: Gender, Class and Ethnicity 3 E
3, 4 Design Studies: Metaphor and Creativity 3 E
3, 4 Seminar in Communication and Technology: Digital Media and Society 3 E
3, 4 Communication Strategy and Design 3 E
3, 4 Communication History 3 E
3, 4 Seminar in Science, Risk and Communication 3 E
3, 4 Audience Research 3 E
4A Independent Study 3 E
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